Supporting programs for female scientists

Exellence program

Coaching program

Continuity program


Kindergarten, Day nursery (Kinderkrippen), After-school-care-programs (Kinderhorte)

The information for Kindergarten, Day nursery or After-school-care-programs in Saarpfalz area please find here.

Or contact directly:

Kreisjugendamt, Hans-Josef Daubaris, Am Forum 1, 66424 Homburg

Telephone: 06841 104-8125


The information for Day-care (Tagesmütter or Tagesväter) please find here.

Babysitting in emergencies

Have you ever had problems like:

  • Cannot go to conferences because nobody can take care of the kids?
  • Have to pend your work because the day-care is on holiday?
  • Cannot work because the day-care for the kid(s) is sick?
  • Cannot attend important seminars after 17:00 because you have to pick up your kid(s)?

There are solutions for young parents involved in SFB 1027.

Homburg (Uniklinikum)

FlexiMedKids (click here) is for free for every SFB 1027 member and collaborator (also students, postdocs etc) for emergency cases.


Office for Gender Affairs (click here) can help you: Phone (0681 302 2911) or email ( Michelle Froese-Kuhn ( is one of the persons to talk to.















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