Tue, 18/02/2014 - 14:15
Saarbrücken, Campus, Geb. E2 6, Seminarraum 4.18

Dr. Mitsusuke Tarama
Host: Karsten Kruse
Kyoto University

Dynamics of active particles in external flow field

Dynamics of active particles has attracted much attention in the field of nonequilibrium
physics. A lot of examples of active particles are found in artificial colloidal swimmers with
fixed stable shapes, but there are also cases in which the particles are deformable and do
change shape during their motion. Such deformability is of basic importance for active
droplets but is also relevant for living swimmers such as protozoa and other microorganisms.
Therefore a basic theoretical description for active soft particles is needed. In a quiescent
solvent, dynamical equations of motion were recently put forward which couple the particle
position and deformability. However, in most practical situations, various external fields are
present to influence the particle motion. They are, for instance, induced by a chemoattractant,
phototaxis, and gravity. An important particular case is a solvent flow field such as
a Couette flow with a constant shear gradient or a Poiseuille flow through tubes. There are
several studies of rigid self-propelled particles in various shear geometries. However, despite
its practical relevance, the motion of a deformable self-propelled particle in a solvent flow
has not been considered theoretically. In this seminar, we would like to present our recent
studies of dynamics of an active soft particle in external flow field. Based on symmetry
considerations, we propose coupled nonlinear dynamical equations for the particle position,
velocity, deformation, and rotation [1]. We considered the motion of an active soft particle in
two types of flow field as examples. One is a linear shear flow as a simplest case [1] and the
other is a swirl [2]. In the latter case, we investigate capturing and scattering dynamics,
inspired by the classical Kepler and Rutherford problem.

[1] M. Tarama, A.M. Menzel, B. ten Hagen, R. Wittkowski, T. Ohta, and H. Löwen, J. Chem.
Phys. 139, 104906 (2013).
[2] M. Tarama, A.M. Menzel, and H. Löwen, arXiv:1401.3606.













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