Wed, 09/04/2014 - 16:15
Campus Saarbrücken, Geb. E2 9, SR 0.07

Dr. Peter Loskill
Host: Prof. Dr. Karin Jacobs
Department of Bioengineering, UC Berkeley

Integrating microtechnology, microbiology, & tissue engineering:From bacterial adhesion studies to organs-on-a-chip platforms

Attachments: PDF icon Seminar_Loskill.pdf

By combining microfabrication and microtechnology with biological cells and tissue, new powerful opportunities for both fundamental research and technological applications open up. In this talk, I will introduce two different research projects connected by the same underlying idea of integrating microtechnology and biology: i) The modification of AFM-cantilevers with pathogenic bacteria to determine quantitative values for bacterial adhesion, and ii) the integration of human tissue into microfluidic devices to obtain organ-on-achip platforms.













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