Fri, 06/09/2019 - 10:00
Campus Homburg, Bld. 45

Martin van der Laan, Robert Ernst, David Mick and Bianca Schrul


Astor Piazolla - Milonga del Angel
Gitarrist: Peter Ernst

Grußworte aus dem Dekanat
Prof. Dr. Markus Hoth

Biogenesis & Functional Architecture of Mitochondria
Prof. Dr. Martin van der Laan

Membrane Property Sensors and
New Functions of the Unfolded Protein Response
Prof. Dr. Robert Ernst

- Kaffeepause (ca. 11:15 Uhr ) -

Biogenesis and Functions of Lipid Droplets
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bianca Schrul

The Primary Cilium and Ciliopathies
Jun.-Prof. Dr. David Mick (ZHMB)

Roland Dyens - Tango en skai
Gitarrist: Peter Ernst

- Umtrunk und Finger-Food (gegen 13:00 Uhr)

Upcoming Events

  • SFB 1027 Seminar

    Tue, 19/11/2024 - 14:15
    Campus SB, Building E2 6, Room E04 or online via MS Teams

    Dr. Jona Kayser

    Drug Resistance Evolution as an Emergent Phenomenon in Heterogeneous Active Granular Matter

  • IRTG Intro Lecture

    Thu, 05/12/2024 - 14:00
    Campus SB, Building E2 9, Room 0.07 and online via MS Teams

    Prof. Dr. Bianca Schrul


  • SFB 1027 Seminar

    Tue, 10/12/2024 - 14:15
    Campus SB, Building E2 6, Room E04 or online via MS Teams

    Prof. Dr. Marco Fritzsche














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