Wed, 15/01/2020 - 11:00
Campus Homburg, CIPMM, Seminarraum 1. OG

Dr. Liang Liu
Host: Dr. Bin Qu
CNRS-Université de Lorraine, Nancy

Scanning Gel Electrochemical Microscopy (SGECM): Looking for Biological Applications

Scanning gel electrochemical microscopy (SGECM) is one of the related techniques of SECM. It is based on a gel probe that is in soft contact with the sample. The gel serves as electrolyte allowing electrochemical measurements to be spatially localized. As compared with SECM and SICM, it has the advantage of operating in air, which allows measuring highly reactive samples and complex-shaped samples. As compared with scanning droplet techniques, the electrolyte is immobilized in gel so that it would not spread on the sample surface. This makes the measurement less dependent on the roughness and hydrophobicity of the sample. Proof-of-concept works have been published and our team is continuing to push forward the development of methodology and instrumentation. In this presentation, we will summarize our achievement and discuss about the challenges and prospects of SGECM, in particular with respect to instrumentation, probe optimization and quantification.















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