Tue, 31/01/2023 - 14:15
Building E2 6, Room E.04 and via MS Teams (Link below)

Prof. Dr. Albrecht Ott
Host: Dr. Hendrik Hähl
Experimental Physics, UdS (SB)

Artificial Life

Origin of Life related research has attracted increased attention during the last years from research groups all around the globe. In this lecture I will first expose the general state of the field including the main ideas that made history. Among them are the metabolism first vs. the autocatalysis first hypothesis, the iron sulfur world, the RNA world hypothesis, as well as theoretical ideas on chemistry such as Eigen and Schuster's hypercycle. I will develop why I believe that many of these considerations remain too dogmatic. I will show a few experimental results that we obtained years ago, and that hopefully show the way to a promising approach in the future. This lecture counts on the participation of the audience.

Link: Intro Lecture Ott













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