From 10. to 13. October 2023 the international conference Cell Physics 2023 took place on the campus of the Saarland University.This time it took place in conjunction with the annual meeting of the German Society oc Cell Biology (DGZ), which made it bigger than ever: with this time more than 300 participants, among them 36 invited speakers, 50 contributed talks and 130 posters the conference attracted even more scientist than its predecessors 2021, 2019, 2017, 2016 and 2014. The biannual conference is organized and financed by the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1027 “Physical modeling of non-equilibrium processes in biological systems”. It is an interdisciplinary platform for scientific exchange between participants from cell biology and biophysics, both represented in roughly equal numbers, and focuses centrally on theoretical concepts in conjunction with cell biological experiments.
SR video clip: interview with a participant
Press release of the Saarland University