About phases and fluctuations induced by nonreciprocal interactions
Reciprocity is a hallmark of thermal equilibrium, but ubiquitously broken in far-from-equilibrium systems. I discuss how nonreciprocal interactions can fundamentally affect the phases and fluctuations of many-body systems. Using a two-dimensional XY model, where spins interact only with the neighbours within their 'vision cones', we show how nonreciprocity can lead to true long-range order. In binary fluids, nonreciprocal coupling between fluid components can cause the emergence of traveling waves through PT symmetry-breaking phase transitions. Here, fluctuations not only inflate, as in equilibrium criticality, but also develop an asymptotically increasing time-reversal asymmetry. Finally, I present ongoing projects about transport of particles through correlated environments with internal relaxation processes, leading to non-Markovian dynamics. We study optimal protocols to drag a particle through a viscoelastic fluid using minimal power, and transport through near-critical fluids.
15:00 Coffee Break
15:15 Dr. Hugues Meyer (A3, AG Rieger)
Alignment interaction and band formation in assemblies of auto-chemorepulsive walkers
15:30 Galia Magela Montalvo Bereau (A10, AG Lautenschläger), Shweta Nandakumar (A13, AG Aradilla Zapata)
Pretubulysin: A potent microtubule depolymerizing agent that improves T-cell searching
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