Tue, 28/05/2024 - 14:15
Campus SB, Building E2 6, Room E04

Prof. Dr. Sabine Klapp
Host: Prof. Dr. Heiko Rieger
TU Berlin

Self-assembly and self-organization in nonreciprocal colloidal systems

Recently much attention has been devoted to colloidal systems that are intrinsically out of equilibrium, a prime example being synthetic “active” colloids, but also colloids with non-reciprocal couplings (generated by a nonequilibrium environment) or colloids under feedback control. In this talk I will mainly address the impact of nonreciprocity, focusing on systems with anisotropic interactions. The first example concerns mixtures of repulsive active particles with non-reciprocal polar alignment, providing a minimal model of a system exhibiting both, clustering and polar ordering. We investigate the collective behavior of these systems using a combination of mean-field-like continuum theory, particle-based simulations of the underlying Langevin equations, and a corresponding fluctuation analysis.

We show that nonreciprocity has profound influence already below the threshold related to spontaneous time dependency of polarization dynamics. In particular, nonreciprocal alignment alone can induce asymmetrical density dynamics, where single-species clusters chase more dilute accumulations of the other species. The second example is a system of passive colloids with field-induced interactions which, in equilibrium, form rigid clusters with extremely long live times. By considering a binary version with asymmetric interactions, we show that nonreciprocity can have an annealing effect, allowing the system to escape kinetic traps yielding thermalization of clusters and even phase separation.

15:00 Coffee Break

15:15 Dr. Zeinab Sadjadi (A3, AG Rieger): Topotactic guidance of migrating cells by obstacle density

15:30 Dr. Yazdan Rashidi (AG Wagner): Red blood cell lingering modulates hematocrit distribution in the microcirculation

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