The purpose of this webpage is to record and manage your activities within the SFB1027. This webpage aims at providing a transparent overview about events of SFB1027, lets you register for certain events and provides information about these events as well as the SFB1027 itself. Moreover, you will also be able to get information about certain members and projects of SBF1027. This webpage also gives an overview about the organization of SFB1027 and provides usefull informations to its members.
Most data that are collected were provided by you.
Your name, chosen username and password (encrypted) are necessary information upon creation of an account. Your attendence of and registration for events are also necessary data for the purpose of this page. Therefore also data are inserted and stored which were not necessarily provided digitally (e.g. via written attendence conformation sheets provided during an event).
Moreover, you will be able to provide information about your current status, your workgroup and project affiliation as well as additional contact information.
For security reasons, usage data are stored, i.e. time of your logins and IP addresses from which you logged in as well as pages you accessed. These data are not automatically analyzed any further
Only you, the page administrators and responsible persons of the SFB1027 will have access to the collected data. The data will not be given to any third party.
For security reasons, a temporary cookie (session cookie) is stored by your browser. This cookie is solely used to identify you during a session. If you close your browser it will be deleted. The cookie is not stored on the server. If your browser does not accept this cookie, entering the user area of the page will not be possible.
In several, rare cases, JavaScript is used to improve the visual appearance of the website. No other active content is used.
We take data security seriously. We applied measures to protect your personal data or access limitation to the page and administrative pages. An absolute security can, however, not be guaranteed.
Additionally, the Legal notice (Impressum) as well as the Privacy policy of the Universität des Saarlandes apply.