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Puza, S., S. Asfia, R. Seemann, and J-B. Fleury, "Bilayer-Embedded Lipid Droplets Coated with Perilipin-2 Display a Pancake Shape", International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 24, pp. 2072, 2023.
Puza, S., S. Caesar, C. Poojari, M. Jung, R. Seemann, J. S. Hub, B. Schrul, and J-B. Fleury, "Lipid Droplets Embedded in a Model Cell Membrane Create a Phospholipid Diffusion Barrier", Small, vol. 18, pp. 2106524, 2022.
Poth, V., M. L. Knapp, and B. A. Niemeyer, "STIM proteins at the intersection of signaling pathways", Curr. Opinion in Physiology, vol. 17, pp. 63-73, 2020.
Porret, E., J-B. Fleury, L. Sancey, M. Pezet, J-L. Coll, and X. Le Guével, "Augmented interaction of multivalent argininecoated gold nanoclusters with lipid membranesand cells", RSC Advances, vol. 10, pp. 6436, 2020.
Porret, E., L. Sancey, A. Martín-Serrano, M. I. Montañez, R. Seemann, A. Yahia-Ammar, H. Okuno, F. Gomez, A. Ariza, N. Hildebrandt, et al., "Hydrophobicity of Gold Nanoclusters Influences their Interactions with Biological Barriers", Chem. Mater, 08/2017.
Poojari, C. S., T. Bommer, and J. S. Hub, "Viral fusion proteins of classes II and III but not of class I sense the lipid composition of host membranes", bioRxiv, 2023.
Poojari, C. S., K. C. Scherer, and J. S. Hub, "Free energies of membrane stalk formation from a lipidomics perspective", Nature Communications, vol. 12, pp. 6594, 2021.
Ponnuswamy, M., L. S. Coelho-Rato, M. K. Modi, M. Urbanska, F. Lautenschläger, F. Cheng, and J. E. Eriksson, "Cytoskeletal vimentin regulates cell size and autophagy through mTORC1 signaling", PLOS Biology, vol. 20, pp. e3001737, 2022.
Petrungaro, C., K. Zimmermann, V. Küttner, M. Fischer, J. Dengjel, I. Bogeski, and J. Riemer, "The Ca2+-Dependent Release of the Mia40-Induced MICU1-MICU2 Dimer from MCU Regulates Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uptake", Cell Metabolism, 2015.
Peisker, H., L. Heepe, A. E. Kovalev, and S. N. Gorb, "Comparative study of the fluid viscosity in tarsal hairy attachment systems of flies and beetles", Journal of The Royal Society Interface, vol. 11, 2014.
Peglow, M., B. A. Niemeyer, M. Hoth, and H. Rieger, "Interplay of channels, pumps and organelle location in calcium microdomain formation", New Journal of Physics, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 055022, 2013.
Peckys, D. B., D. Alansary, B. A. Niemeyer, and N. de Jonge, "Visualizing Quantum Dot Labeled ORAI1 Proteins in Intact Cells Via Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy", Microscopy and Microanalysis, vol. 22, pp. 902-912, 2016.
Peckys, D. B., C. Quint, and N. de Jonge, "Determining the efficiency of single molecule quantum dot labeling of HER2 in breast cancer cells", Nano Lett., vol. 20, pp. 7948, 2020.
Peckys, D. B., N. de Jonge, and M. Hannig, "Oil droplet formation on pellicle covered tooth surfaces studied with environmental scanning electron microscopy.", J Microsc., vol. 274(3), pp. 158-167, 2019.
Peckys, D. B., D. Gaa, and N. de Jonge, "Quantification of EGFR/HER2 heterodimers in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer cells using liquid phase electron microscopy", Cells, vol. 10, pp. 3244-1-20, 2021.
Peckys, D. B., E. Macías-Sánchez, and N. de Jonge, "Liquid phase electron microscopy of biological specimens", MRS Bulletin, vol. 45, pp. 754-760, 2020.
Peckys, D. B., C. Stoerger, L. Latta, U. Wissenbach, V. Flockerzi, and N. de Jonge, "The stoichiometry of the TMEM16A ion channel determined in intact plasma membranes of COS-7 cells using liquid-phase electron microscopy", Journal of Structural Biology, vol. 199, pp. 102 - 113, 2017.
Peckys, D. B., D. Gaa, D. Alansary, B. A. Niemeyer, and N. de Jonge, "Supra-molecular assemblies of ORAI1 at rest precede local accumulation into puncta after activation", Int. J. Mol. Sci., vol. 22, pp. 799, 2021.
Peckys, DB., D. Hirsch, T. Gaiser, and N. de Jonge, "Visualization of HER2 homodimers in single cells from HER2 overexpressing primary formalin fixed paraffin embedded tumor tissue", Mol. Med. 25, vol. 42, pp. 1-12, 2019.
Pätzold, L., A. C. Brausch, E. L. Bielefeld, L. Zimmer, G. A. Somerville, M. Bischoff, and R. Gaupp, "Impact of the Histidine-Containing Phosphocarrier Protein HPr on Carbon Metabolism and Virulence in Staphylococcus aureus", Microorganisms, vol. 9, pp. 466, 2021.
Parker, K., P. Trampert, V. Tinnemann, D. B. Peckys, T. Dahmen, and N. de Jonge, "Linear Chains of HER2 Receptors Found in the Plasma Membrane Using Liquid-Phase Electron Microscopy", Biophysical Journal, vol. 115, pp. 503 - 513, 2018.
Pak, V. V., D. Ezeriņa, O. G. Lyublinskaya, B. Pedre, P. A. Tyurin-Kuzmin, N. M. Mishina, M. Thauvin, D. Young, K. Wahni, S. A. Martín Gache, et al., "Ultrasensitive Genetically Encoded Indicator for Hydrogen Peroxide Identifies Roles for the Oxidant in Cell Migration and Mitochondrial Function", Cell Metab, vol. 31, pp. 642–653, 2020.













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