Integrated research training group
The IRTG (integrated research training group) is the graduate college integrated in the SFB1027. Its purpose is to ensure a profound scientific education of its members. Therefore, the IRTG provides a variety of scientific and soft skill training events along with a quality management strategy for successful completion of PhD projects.
Owing to the interdisciplinary nature of the SFB, a special focus lies on teaching cross-disciplinary skills to enable project partners from different disciplines, e.g. theoretical physics and life sciences, to work efficiently together.
Although specially designed for PhD students, all Young Researchers (YRs) that are affiliated with a workgroup of the SFB1027 can be members of the IRTG. The term "Young Researchers" thereby refers to PhD/MD students, PostDocs, and also sufficiently advanced undergraduates. All PhD/MD students (and PostDocs) working on a SFB project are automatically member of the IRTG.